Gopro Video Quality

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There may be times when, even after giving your best efforts, you are not getting the required GoPro video quality in your vlogs or video clips. So, is there something you are missing out on while shooting those videos?

Well, shooting amazing GoPro videos isn’t that tough, and it’s just a bit of brainstorming that you need to do in the same regard. Now, you may come across all those high-quality GoPro videos from YouTubers that are crisp, clear, and vibrant, even while being shot from the same GoPro action cam.

So, while you are comparing your videos with those uploaded on YouTube, you need to check on two major things beforehand:

1. Did you shoot the video properly?

2. Does the video look terrible while uploading on YouTube or playing on the screen?

What to do if it isn’t a well-shot video?

The Best thing that you can do hereby is to shoot the video once again with the correct settings. That said, let’s take a look at some of the recommended settings to enhance the GoPro video quality.

Step 1. Use Protune

If you are not using Protune while shooting your vlogs or videos, you are missing big time on bringing your best shot forward. Without Protune, it’s the same as you are using your phone camera with a default setting to shoot a video.

Hence, once you enable the Protune, you will get to witness a wide range of options to manage the shot manually. Moreover, you can adjust the ISO, white balance, sharpness, and lots of other settings that can prove to be critical for the shot.

The only downside of using Protune is that it will capture some good space in the memory card due to the utilization of a higher bitrate for enhanced video quality.

Step 2. Get the right manual settings

Speaking of manual settings, you must pay some good attention to three main settings while shooting the video or vlog.


You may not always get a well-lit surrounding to carry on with your video shoot; this is where ISO comes into play. Hence, if the lighting is an issue, try increasing the ISO according to the needs and requirements of the shot.

Similarly, if the lighting is adequate, tweak the same ISO to bring out the desired impact and brightness to the shot. Still, you may come across the issue of augmented noise in your shot after increasing the ISO and this is where you have to be a bit careful.

Shutter speed

Shutter speed is highly dependent on the frame rate of the captured shot. So, if you are shooting a vlog or video at 30fps, it is recommended to go with a shutter speed of 1/60th. This is called the 180-degree shutter rule, where the required shutter speed is the resultant of frame rate x 2.

So, if you are about to shoot a video with 60fps, the shutter speed needs to be 1/120th of a second. The same rule is followed while shooting movies and TV shows, so you don’t need to worry about the video quality here.

White balance

White balance settings decide how warm, cool, or neutral your shot will be. There are instances when you are required to shoot outdoors with harsh sunlight or indoors with low light. Hence, the white balance setting is there to take care of the color balance during the process.

How do you manage a well-shot video that doesn’t look good while playing or uploading?

It’s always recommended to edit your videos properly before uploading them on YouTube or any other social forum. Speaking of video editing software, you can find a few on the internet that don’t charge you a penny.

Moreover, if you want to make your video sound more professional, you can purchase premium video editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro-CC, Cyberlink Power Director, and so on.

The bottom line for GoPro video quality

There are various ways to enhance your GoPro video quality and you can start initially with the ones mentioned above. Also, if you want to move further, purchase the listed video editing software to take your GoPro video quality to a different level.

Additionally, if you have just started using the GoPro action cam, check out our ‘ How to’ and ‘ Tips and tricks’ blogs that have been specially drafted to serve your requirements.

See Also

How to use GoPro 6?

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